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I'm a Singaporean. The purpose for all my blogs is to share my life experiences in Singapore.

My Lessons on Investment

What are Shares, Unit Trust and ETF?
See which investment instrument is suitable for you.
What are Preference Shares?
It is different from the common shares.
How to invest using your CPF saving?
Enhancing your retirement saving
How to invest regularly if you do not have a lot of saving?
You still can invest if you can save $100 per month
How to buy gold in Singapore?
Different ways of investing in Gold.
My Investment Strategy
Having a winning strategy is important
Be a investor or a trader?
Reasons on why I want to be a investor rather than a trader
Peace of mind after buying shares?
Reasons on sleepless night after buying shares
Things to avoid in stock market.
Don't attempt to try these even you are an expert
My favorite quotes from Warren Buffett
Very meaningful and useful investment quotes
Buying stocks based on price and value
This is the method I use when buying stocks
Investor, Traders and Speculators Charts
Charts are affected by different players in the markets
My Quotes/Rules of Investment
My own investment rules and quotes
The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs
Protect them at all costs
Dealing with Market Randomness
Reasons on why market direction cannot be predicted
Who can be trusted in the market?
Beware of people who give you tips
Why I am not afraid of losing money in my investment?
Know your own limits and rules of the game.

My Market Analysis

STI Index
Comparison between 1998-2000 and 2008-2000
STI Index movement
Prediction from Oct 2009 to 2011
Reason Why Gold might be a good investment
EUR/USD 10 years chart
Will it go up or down?
Taiji Symbol VS S&P 500
S&P 500 25 years chart
True value of S&P 500
Based on dollar index from 1988 to 2009
US Dollar Index
Using Taiji to Analyse
S&P(2007 to 2009) VS NIKKEI (1990 to 1992)
Is there any similarity?


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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rule no. 3: It's far better for other to buy an overvalued stock from you, rather than you buy an overvalued stock from other.

My Rule no. 3 states that "It's far better for other to buy an overvalued stock from you, rather than you buy an overvalued stock from other." As mentioned in my post titled "Investor, Traders and Speculators Charts", stock can be undervalued and overvalued as there are traders and speculators in the market.

I value the stock simply by calculating its yield. See my post "Buying Stocks based on price and value" If the yield is no longer attractive as the price of the stock goes up, I will sell a portion of it first. If the price goes up again, I will sell the next portion. It will make my investment less risky as I know that I will be holding less and less overvalued stocks and I have free some money to target to buy other undervalued stocks.

Please note that I am adopting averaging down strategy when buying stocks. This will keep the average buying price as low as possible. As for selling of stock, I am adopting averaging up strategy. This is kept my average selling price as high as possible.

My Quotes/Rules of Investment

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